India’s first human space-flight mission, Gaganyaan, is expected to launch in 2024, Union Minister Jitendra Singh said recently. The government had planned the space flight for 2021, but the schedule got delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The first test-flight will be followed by a female-looking spacefaring humanoid robot. The Indian Air Force (IAF) has
Ukraine’s military has a chance of removing Russian troops from all the territory they have claimed since February, a senior military analyst has told Sky News. Professor Michael Clarke said such a development would be a “huge victory” – adding that while recent gains in Kharkiv are important, retaking Kherson in the south would be
Listen to a recap of the top stories of the day from Electrek. Quick Charge is available now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, TuneIn and our RSS feed for Overcast and other podcast players. New episodes of Quick Charge are recorded Monday through Thursday and again on Saturday. Subscribe to our podcast in Apple Podcast or your favorite podcast player to guarantee
Hundreds of businesses are urging the chancellor to offer details about the support they’ll receive with their energy bills. The letter to Kwasi Kwarteng was signed by 300 companies and written by Kate Nicholls, the CEO of UK Hospitality. She welcomed the support that would be given to households as part of Liz Truss’ policies
A worker sorts out parcels in the outbound dock at Amazon fulfillment center in Eastvale, California on Tuesday, Aug. 31, 2021. Watchara Phomicinda | MediaNews Group | The Riverside Press-Enterprise via Getty Images Amazon‘s top executive overseeing workplace health and safety is leaving the company next month, CNBC has learned. Heather MacDougall, who joined Amazon
Ukrainian forces have retaken 6,000 square kilometres of their homeland – 3,000 of them in the past six days alone, it has been reported. And in his nightly address to his nation, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said the “advance of our forces” was still continuing. His claims appear to be supported by renowned think tank, the