The Balenciaga fashion house has cut ties with Kanye West, according to a news report. The move came after several offensive comments from the rapper, now known as Ye, including antisemitic posts that earned him suspensions on Twitter and Instagram. “Balenciaga has no longer any relationship nor any plans for future projects related to this
Moody’s rating agency has cut its UK’s financial outlook to negative but maintained its sovereign rating at Aa3. On Friday, the agency lowered the UK’s outlook to negative from stable, citing policy uncertainty amid high inflation and weaker growth prospects. Moody’s said the government’s “ability to engender confidence in its commitment to fiscal prudence” will
The Indian Institute of Technology-Madras and NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) researchers have studied the interactions between microbes in the International Space Station (ISS), the institute said on Friday. A key finding is that a microbe that resides on the ISS, was found to be beneficial to various other microorganisms but hampered the growth of