
6:10 PM ET Associated Press The New York Racing Association suspended trainer Bob Baffert for one year Thursday for repeated medication violations, A panel credited Baffert for time served from an initial suspension that makes the two-time Triple Crown-winner eligible to saddle horses in New York again Jan. 26. The final decision marks the end
Amazon on Thursday announced a tool to help software developers write code, the latest such effort by the tech industry. The service, called Amazon CodeWhisperer, suggests how to program, and also scans for security and bias issues in web developers’ projects, Swami Sivasubramanian, a vice president at Amazon’s cloud division, said at a company conference
Ukrainian forces are battling to hold Kyiv, as Russian forces storm towards the capital. Explosions have been heard in the city itself, and heavy fighting has been reported in the surrounding areas. For the latest developments: SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel for more videos: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook:
“I’ve had plenty of luck over the last five years, all of it bad.” So said Sir Rod Eddington, former chief executive of British Airways, the man who steered the airline through the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 and an outbreak of the SARS virus 18 months later. Sir Rod, an easy-going Australian who
Habeck has previously warned the situation is going to be “really tight in winter” without precautionary measures to prevent a gas supply shortage. Picture Alliance | Picture Alliance | Getty Images Germany has declared it is moving to the so-called “alert stage” of its emergency gas plan, as reduced Russian flows exacerbate fears of a
Combining data obtained from several sources, scientists have managed to unravel the mystery behind the red cap on Pluto’s moon Charon and its composition. NASA’s interplanetary space probe New Horizons had captured the reddish region on the top of Charon and collected data in 2015. After the encounter, scientists soon speculated that the tholin-like material
Emilia Clarke has confirmed her Game of Thrones co-star Kit Harington will reprise his role as Jon Snow in a new spin-off series. In addition to the House of Dragon prequel due to air in August, Clarke confirmed reports Harington is also behind a second series linked to the original franchise. When asked about the